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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Institutes & Special classes

  • VLCC institute of beauty, health and management
    SCF 46-47, second floor, sec 15market,
    Tel:. 4005728/43, 9811385886

  • Aptech
    Sec 31, opp. Pristine Mall
    Tel: 4143790-94
  • Madhur Sangeet Kendra

    Tel: 0129-2280718, 9958750650
  • Sona Dance AcademySec 31, sec28 Tel: 9891242922, 9312211211

  • Tansen Sangeet Mahavidalaya
    Sec 21C, Tel: 9818933122, 6522715

  • ABACUS Classes
    Tel: 9213582017

  • Learn Computer
    Sec 15, Tel: 9871069250

  • Kalka Institute of Technology
    Nehru ground, NIT, Tel: 4031637

  • Aravali Institute of competitive studies
    Sec 43, Tel: 6518146-47-48

  • Aravali College of Engineering & Management
    Jasna, Tel: 2202062, 2202061

  • NIIT Faridabad centres- centreI- SCO36, Sec12, Tel: 2261006, 4102866
    Centre II- 5M/116, NIT- Tel:4102868

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Batteries, Inverters in Faridabad

  • Jitendra Batteries
    Tikona park, NIIT
    Tel: 9811212632, 4013632
  • Popular Motors (batteries)
    Sec 37, Huda market
    Tel: 4015383, 9810232383
  • Durga batteries- sec 28, Tel:2272114, 2277319
  • ULTIPLUS battery life enhancer and water management system by Pearl telecommunication

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Akshay Tritiya is today

Faridabad jewelers with their brethren in north India geared up for Akshay Tritiya in the anticipation that people will come out to buy their products in time of recession. Everywhere talks are that in fact there is no other day like this when the gold buying is more than auspicious. But, the customers are refused to come out of the shell this year. Only those who have some wedding in their home or those who have investment in the mind reached the stores.

Akshay Tritiya, the third day of the bright-half of the lunar month of Vaisakha, is being celebrated today. Being one of the most auspicious days for Hindus you can begin any of your important work - service, trade, business even tie the nuptial knot today.

The TRETA YUG started this day, Parsuram the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu came on the earth and legend has it that during the Vanvaas of Pandavas Lord Krishna gifted a meal bowl to Draupadi which would never go vacant.

In Rajasthan people in certain tribal communities have a bizarre tradition. They organise mass marriages for their children. Despite resistance from the administration and activists on Akshay Tritiya every year they organise it.

Jewellers in Faridabad
Gitanjali - Tel: 4015439/5539

New Lakshmi Tel: 2416519

Jai Durge Tel: 2297569

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Manasi of Faridabad on Murthy's book-cover

Mansi Bhatia, a cute seven-year-old girl from Faridabad, was briefly the cynosure of all eyes at the prime minister's residence at 7, Race Course Road on April 20 after she figured on the jacket of a book authored by IT icon N. R. Narayana Murthy. Read in detail in Hindustan Times

Friday, April 17, 2009

Meet the Lok Sabha poll candidates

BJP- Ramchand Bainda
Congress- Avtar Bhadana
BSP- Chetan Sharma
HJC- Chander Bhatia
Independent- Yashpal Nagar


Events in Faridabad

  • What: The power of one- Gandhi, King, Ikeda
    A legacy of building peace: An exhibition
    When: 16-19 April
    Where: Eicher School, Sec 46, Faridabad 121001
  • Home SPIRIT Interior
    Opening on April 19 Block 18, Spring Field Faridabad, Tel: 9312141036, 9312227719
