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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bhadana's hope for a cabinet berth dashed; Haryana got only one slot

Avtar Singh Bhadana, 52, may have retained his Faridabad seat but his effort to get into the Union cabinet went in vain. He was one of the strong contenders for a ministerial berth. Haryana got only one slot in the 79 member Team Manmohan; Kumari Selja, 46, (retained Ambala seat) will represent Haryana again in the Union Council of Ministers. This time she elevated to Cabinet rank.

Bhadana snatched victory this time defying the infighting within the Congress party and on the face of threats from BSP. He retained the Faridabad seat defeating Ram Chander Bainda of the BJP by 68,201 votes.

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Nitin Jain of Faridabad tops IIT JEE

Nitin Jain of MVN School Faridabad cracked IIT entrance exam with big bang. He topped the all India chart. An intelligent student from the beginning his acumen in science is known to all and only last year he notched gold at the International Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad held at Indonesia.

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Tanvi Aggarwal of Faridabad tops CBSE XII Board

Tanvi Aggarwal of Apeejay School Faridabad topped CBSE XII Board in Commerce stream. She shared the honour with Mumbai girl Mritika Sen who got the same marks 98.4 percent in Science stream. Tanvi got cent percent marks in Mathematics, Accounts and Economics while in Business Studies she got 99 and 93 in English.
Mritika Sen, a student of Raj Hans Vidyalaya of Mumbai, topped the science stream with 100 in mathematics, 98 in English, 96 in biology and 99 in physics and chemistry.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Mining banned in Faridabad

“This court has tried to balance mining activity on one hand with protection of environment on the other hand.” The Supreme Court on May 08 suspended all mining activities in the 448 sq. km. area of the Aravalli Hill range falling in districts of Faridabad, Gurgaon and Mewat of state of Haryana.

The apex court order put an end to the raging controversy over mining activities drawing Haryana government and others. Though the Haryana government stands to loose some revenue but, realtors in the area exuded confidence that their business would not be affected as the ban primarily affects development on the Surajkund Road and Faridabad-Gurgaon Road.

“Time has now come to suspend mining in the area till statutory provisions for restoration and reclamation are duly complied with, particularly in cases where pits/quarries have been left abandoned,” Justice Kapadia wrote for the bench.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Cool discounts & masti this summer in Faridabad

To turn the wheel of recession some innovative steps are being taken by the shops and showrooms operating from malls in Faridabad.

Crown Interiorz mall and Crown Plaza on Mathura Road is ready to shower you with games, music and masti this summer. Just visit these megamalls, participate in various activities and avail some cool exciting offers. A shopping carnival is on at Crown Interiorz (Tel: 9810446655) till May 16. www.crowngroup.org

At Ebony get 70% discounts on the stuff you collected in one minute flat. Coupons at Sector 16 and newly opened Ritu Wears outlet seduce the customers with new plans.

If you want to have a good bargain on diamond jewellery please visit Gymkhana Club Sector 15 A, between May 9 & 10 where an exhibition cum sale is being organised by D'jewels and Jusra. Contacts: 9899699568, 09314502750

Also, visit 01-ground floor Crown Plaza for cool discounts on certified diamond jewelry.
Send your information at fbdpost@gmail.com for posting at this site.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Faridabad Voter helpline

1101489 voters will cast their votes on 1077 polling stations in the nine assembly segments tomorrow on May 07. If your name is there in the voter list you can cast your vote showing any valid photo ID card like Passport, Driving License, PAN card etc.

Voter helpline are: 2222494, 2222495

Poll Observers are S Srinivasan (M-9953028871) and Ramesh Chandra (M- 96545223923). Deputy Commissioner of Faridabad is the Returning Officer.

The Assistant Returning Officers are: Prithala- Pradeep kumar (M- 9873140476), NIT- VS Huda (M- 9810685367), Badkhal- Yashpal Yadav (M- 9910064140), Ballabgarh- I P Bishnoi (M- 9990077766), Faridabad City- P D Sharma (M-9990480008) and Tigaon- Narendra Singh (M- 9212257687)


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Advantage BJP in Faridabad

Post-delimitation Faridabad constituency is witnessing four-cornered fight which gives two national parties sleepless nights.

Unlike previous elections this time BSP candidate and former cricketer Chetan Sharma is testing the water with Mayawati's "dalit-brahmin" formula whereas Chander Bhatia from HJC trying to corner Punjabi votes.

Avtar Singh Bhadana of Congress and sitting MP is keeping his fingers crossed. He's facing the anti-incumbency and two assembly segments which generally regarded as his stronghold migrated to Gurgaon constituency post delimitation and made his path difficult. Bhupinder Hooda's appeal may come to his rescue.

The Expressindia reported that "The BJP finds itself on a strong footing in Faridabad, whereas the Congress has been facing trouble in the constituency right from the day Bhadana was renominated the party candidate. Minister for Urban Local Bodies A C Chaudhry and MLAs Karan Singh Dalal and Mahendra Pratap Singh had rebelled against the party decision. Calling it a neglect of the Punjabi community, Chaudhry had submitted his resignation to the Congress President Sonia Gandhi. Chaudhry's resignation was yet to be accepted by the party, but he kept himself away from any campaign either in Faridabad or elsewhere. Opposing the candidature of Avtar Singh Bhadana, Karan Singh Dalal and Mahendra Pratap Singh too did not campaign. Speculation was rife at one time that Chaudhry was about to join BSP, but nothing of the sort happened. BSP even issued a statement saying that it was considering projecting Chaudhry as the future chief minister of the state. Congress did try to pacify these rebel leaders, especially Chaudhry, who had left the decision of the future plan of action of the Punjabi community to the 11-member Haryana Punjabi Welfare Sabha."

Ramchandra Bainda, the three-time MP from Faridabad is pinning his hopes on the en masse support of more than 2.5 strong Jat votes with other supporters of BJP. Urban middle-class votes may go in favour of him. Analysts say that BSP may harm him if Brahmin voters opt for Chetan Sharma.

In all likelihood migrant votes will proved to be golden if they aligned with slumdwellers.
