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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Telephone No. Faridabad Police

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Salsa in Faridabad

The Times of India reports: During the day they don their white coats and wield the stethoscope/scalpel to play the no-nonsense healer to the hilt, but every evening, this group of Faridabad doctors along with their spouses transforms into avid practitioners of Salsa.

The effectiveness of the dance form in reducing both stress and weight has caused these professionals all of them at the peak of their busy careers to take to it with passion. So much so that 53-year-old gynaecologist Dr Aruna Kundu who introduced most of the group to the dance form actually learnt Spanish to understand and emulate the nuances of the steps. Every evening, the group assembles either at Sector 9 or at Sector 17 to practice.

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Anuradha of Faridabad secured second position in state chess

Anuradha of Faridabad secured second position with 3.5 points in the Haryana State Chess Championhip organized by Chess Association of Panchkula at St. Teresa Convent School, Sector 25 at Panchkula. Read more in punjabnewsline.com


Monday, September 21, 2009

Kidnapped boy of Faridabad returns

How a 12-year-old kidnapped from outside Sri Ram Model High School in Faridabad on July 21 and taken to Mathura by traffickers and luckily back after relentless efforts of his father, an autowallah.

A big network of criminals who kidnap children and put them into activities like begging might be exposed if police take this case seiously and may solve many cases of disappearance of children from the NCR region. Read the whole story in Expressindia.com

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sustainable mining plan gets started

The Times of India reported that the mining and geology department of Haryana has started preparing a master plan for sustainable mining of minor minerals (building material) for the next 30 years. The plan would include restoration and reclamation of areas mined in the past, especially in Gurgaon, Faridabad and Mewat.

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Doctors in Faridabad

  • Child care clinic Dr Dinesh Rauthan, MBBS, MD, Old F'bad, Tel: 2272916
  • Dr Anil K Gupta, Dentist, 2472 Sec 16, Tel:2286391, 2245222
  • Dr Anjali Gupta, gynaecologist, Sarvodya Hospital, Gopi Colony, Sec 19, Tel: 2260641, 2260651
  • Dr Madhu Nanda, gynaecologist, 612, Sec15, Tel: 2284468, 4007886
  • Sai Homoeopathic Clinic, Dr Sanjeev Kumar, Tel: 9891280078

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Indian Armour Systems

Business Standard reports...Echoing similar sentiments, Anil Kant, CEO of Faridabad-based Indian Armour Systems Pvt Ltd, said: “There is a huge potential in India still untapped. Currently, the armoured vehicles market is pegged at about Rs 500 crore, which can touch Rs 5,000 crore in the next four years. So to tap the potential, we have started the facility of armouring vehicles at our existing Faridabad facility.”
Indian Armour is one of the elite manufacturers of ballistic protection products and provides cutting-edge technology to combat the threats to law-enforcement agencies and their personnel. It has state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities at Faridabad in Haryana.The company has registered a 385 per cent increase in business in the last financial year.It is worth noting that the company is one of the worlds most vertical manufacture; from yarn to weaving of ballistic grade Aramid Fabric to a finished product such as Bullet Proof Jackets, Vests, Hard Armour Panels, Bullet Proof Helmets, Bomb Suppression Blankets, Tactical and Combat Gear and Boots.


Naharpar in Faridabad: The next big realty destination

Naharpar in Faridabad is new realty destination in NCR. This promises to be yet another upcoming land of dreams. Jokes apart, not too far in time, Naharpar can be compared to places like Gurgaon and Noida considering that the overall development here is going on at a rapid pace. Realtors say it is becoming an important destination. The best thing about Naharpar is that realty prices are affordable here.
Sectors 75-78 and Sectors 80-89 have been earmarked as residential sectors in Naharpar. Though infrastructure is not in place, once that is taken care of, this is going to be a very good location. "Prices of plots, which are mostly available in resale in Naharpar sectors range between Rs 9,000 and Rs 12,000 per sqyd. For flats, the rate is approximately Rs 1,800 per sqft. The rate of an independent floor of 300 sqyd is around Rs 27 lakh. "I believe more such options will come up in this area," says P Mishra, real estate consultant at Sainik Estates.
Read in detail in The Economic Times...

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How builders failed the customers

Last month, the residents of Omaxe Green Valley in Faridabad lodged a first information report (FIR) with the Faridabad police against the developer, RPS Associates, on charges that include cheating and breach of trust. RPS Associates, a lesser known name in the realty sector, had in early 2007 handed over possession of flats and villas — developed by it and promoted by Omaxe — at Omaxe Green Valley, situated on Surajkund Road in Sectors 41 and 42. Those who moved in found that the builder had not provided even the basic amenities.

According to the residents’ welfare association (RWA), “The developers had to deliver the project in 2006. However, delays in obtaining sanctions and other financial issues delayed the project. Since the developer would have had to pay penalty for the delay as per its agreement with banks and the government, it found an easier option — handing over possession. Till date the builders do not even have a completion certificate for the project.”

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