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Friday, October 23, 2009

Faridabad assembly results 2009

 Six assembly segments in Faridabad districts (Cong won four of them)

  • Prithala - raghubir singh of Congress beat tek chand sharma of BSP (by 3155 votes)
  • Tigaon- krishan pal (BJP state president) lucky to beat lalit nagar (cong) (by 818)
  • Faridabad NIT-shivcharan tejpal, the independent trounced Haryana minister AC chaudhary by 7875
  • Ballbgarh- Sharda Rathore of Congress scored handsomely on surrender tewatia-bjp by 23844
  • Badkhal-mahender pratap-cong beat seema trikha-bjp (by 12679)
  • Faridabad-anand kaushik-cong beat parvesh chand-bjp by 10841
Total- 90 seats==Congress (40), INLD+ (32), HJC-BL (06), BJP (04), Others (08)

In Faridabad, similar was the fate of Congress candidate AC Chaudhary, whom the party decided to shift from his home constituency Badkhal to Faridabad NIT. The voters were happy with the performance of senior deputy mayor Shivcharan Lal Sharma, who succeeded in making provisions for sewage, drinking water and roads. Since the Congress chose Chaudhary, Sharma decided to contest as an Independent. He won by 7,875 votes. Haryana has seen its urban areas expand rapidly and in areas close to Delhi, that has been cited as a top priority by the Hooda regime. The results in the urban stretch, hence, must be a double disappointment for Congress. (The Indian Express)

The man to be watched is Chautala, a past master in politics, with a chequered political history. He has been a five-time chief minister, including a stint of a few days. He had also engineered the toppling of the Bansi Lal government in 1999 and is known for his political astuteness. The election results have made it amply clear that he and his party retain the support of the Jats, who dominate nearly 35 constituencies.
The Congress vote share fell in the state by a huge 7.4%, from 42.5% to 35.1%. Normally such a big swing away results in the decimation of a party. But Hooda has managed to keep his head above the water, thanks largely to a fractured opposition.
Chautala, too, lost his vote share, but by just 0.7%, while BJP's share fell by 1.4%. The new political outfit, Kuldip Singh Bishnoi's HJC, accounted for 7.4% votes.
Where the results will force a rethink in Congress is the extent to which it continues riding the Jat bandwagon, now that INLD seems alive and kicking. Hooda remains the frontrunner, given his support in CLP as well as his ability to deliver on independents. But the rival groups may join hands to put up a joint candidate. Union minister Selja, a dalit, met party chief Sonia Gandhi to set the party abuzz. The one big change will be the lesson Congress has learnt from Andhra Pradesh post-YSR -- that it cannot put all its eggs in one basket, be it YSR or Hooda. The incumbent's unilateralism and complete decimation of other centres of power, followed by ruling camp's domination of ticket distribution, may not be repeated again.


Monday, October 12, 2009

कैप्टन ने कूड़े पर उगा दिए फूल

Friday, October 9, 2009

SC nod to mining on 600 hectares of Aravalis

Once bitten twice shy, the Supreme Court on October 08, 2009 permitted mining of minor minerals on a patch of 600 hactares in the eco-sensitive Aravalis in Faridabad and Palwal but with a strong rider that it could begin only after the Haryana government put in place a comprehensive rehabilitation and eco-restoration scheme.

The state told the Bench that it would formulate a mining auction scheme in three months and a comprehensive eco-restoration scheme in six months. Read in detail in The Times of India

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Election update Faridabad

Election update Haryana

  • No sharing, all for a seat: same family, different poll colours
The sitting MPs of both Faridabad and Gurgaon are from the Congress, but their family members are contesting on tickets from other parties. And in the run-up to the D-day — October 13 — there’s no love lost between them. Read in detail in The Indian Express

  • Rebels out to spoil Hooda’s party
Though the Congress waited till the eleventh hour to declare candidates to rule out chances of rebellion, on more than a dozen seats, strong rebels are giving party nominees sleepless nights. And a majority of these official nominees happen to be close to Hooda. Despite the Chief Minister’s confident assertion recently that all the rebels would withdraw soon, that hasn’t happened. Read in detail in The Indian Express

  • From cycles to 24-hr power, it’s raining promises in Haryana
If the Congress has promised bicycles to all girls to enable them to go to school, the INLD has something better for them — a scooter for each student after she completes Class XII. Read whole article in The India Expres...

  • Haryana ensures it’s few big happy families
The electoral battle in the state features the scions of the three famous Lals of Haryana — Bansi Lal, Devi Lal and Bhajan Lal — along with the latest “political family” of Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda whose father was a minister in Pepsu, and his son Deepender Hooda is a Lok Sabha member who was elected for the second time from Rohtak. While Hooda has refrained from fielding his wife despite vocal demand from a section of the party, there is a surfeit of relatives contesting the elections from all the major parties. Read whole article in The Indian Express...


Monday, October 5, 2009

67 criminals, 251 crorepatis in race in Haryana

As many as 67 of 489 candidates in Haryana Assembly election have criminal cases pending against them including those on serious charges like murder, attempted murder, dacoity and others. Read in detail in the Central Chronicle...


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Helpline for voters

Users can access their vote information by sending the exact voter ID card number (only voter ID card number is to be sent) to the phone number 94167913297 through SMS.

The common toll free number for the entire state is 155212 and any voter can seek election related information by dialing this number

Congress in high spirit in Haryana

Why congress has few worries in Haryana
The fragmented Opposition also allowed the Hooda government a comfortable rule, despite certain contentious matters. The rampant involvement of the state police in crime, the open flouting of authority by the khap panchayats, acute power shortage and instances involving industrial violence were all major issues which find only muted references in Opposition parties’ campaigns which are largely centered around inflation.

Opposition parties apart, even the voter appears to be largely forgiving of the Congress government’s inadequacies. The Congress’s vote share in the 2009 General Elections in Haryana was 41 per cent, marginally less than the 42.46 per cent it scored in the 2005 Assembly elections. This also exposes the fallibility of the claim that the BSP could eat into the Congress vote share. The BSP improved its vote share from 3.44 per cent in the 2005 Assembly polls to 16 per cent in the recent LS elections, but its rise seems to have adversely affected the Chautalas. INLD has failed to win any seat in two consecutive LS elections, and has seen its vote share dipping from 23 per cent to 16 per cent.
Read in deatil in The Indian Express

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