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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Looking for value for money: Schools in Faridabad

Hindustan Times

The Top Ten in the HT-C fore Top Schools survey 2012 looks pretty much the same as last year, save for one change. DAV Public School, Sector 37 has inched into the number ten spot, with St. Joseph’s Convent losing its place in the rankings.

Delhi Public School, Faridabad, leads the pack. The school was established in 1995 and excels in various categories, including ‘competence of teachers’, ‘ teacher care and development’ and ‘value for money’. Apeejay School comes second, topping the ‘infrastructure and facilities’, ‘life skills education’ categories, among others.

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Top Ten schools of Faridabad: HT ranking 2012

Hindustan Times

1. Delhi Public School, Faridabad: The school provides global exposure through international exchange programmes and trips. They also organise workshops and life skill sessions for the students. It has topped the ‘competence of teachers’, ‘teacher care and development’ and ‘extra-curricular activities’ and ‘value for money’ categories.

Website: www.dpsfbd.com
Phone: 0129-2284535
Nursery fee: Rs. 63,580 per annum

2. Apeejay School: Across a sprawling green 9 acre campus, the school houses a spacious auditorium, a swimming pool, two cemented basketball courts, a skating rink and multipurpose field. The school has the highest scores on the ‘infrastructure and facilities’, parental participation’ and ‘sports’ parameters.

Website: www.apeejay.edu
Phone: 0129-2284535
Nursery FEE: Rs.70,000 per annum

3. Modern Vidya Niketan, Sector 17: This is one of the most sought after schools in Faridabad. With a spacious campus housing over 2500 students, the school believes in multifaceted growth.The school has topped the ‘academic rigour’ category and has the second highest ‘value for money’, ‘competence of teachers’, ‘teacher care and development’ scores.

Website: www.mvneducation.com
Phone: 0129-4072696
Nursery fee: Rs. 82,728 per annum

4. Modern Delhi Public School: The school has its arsenal well equipped with its wide range of informative books, CD's and a multimedia lab with a large movie screen. It has the second highest score on the ‘individual attention to students’ parameter and has done well in ‘academic rigour’, ‘infrastructure and facilities’ and ‘safety and hygiene’ as well.

Website: www.moderndps.org
Phone: 0129-2229277
Nursery fee: Rs. 62,700 per annum

5. Manav Rachna International, Sector 14: The school employs methods to make learning fun through the introduction of the smart class programme, educational trips, summer workshops and theme assemblies. The school has topped the ‘extra curricular activities’, ‘individual attention to students’,’innovative teaching’ and ‘safety and hygiene’ parameters.

Website: www.mris.edu.in
Phone: 0129-4198500
Nursery fee: Rs. 76,800 per annum

5. DAV Public School, sector 14: The DAV School campus is spread across 7.5 acres. It provides modern facilities like a well-equipped gymnasium, skating rink etc retaining its roots in traditions and culture. The school tops in the ‘sports’ and ‘value system/integration’ categories and has the second highest ‘social accountability’ score.

Website: www.dav14faridabad.org
Phone: 0129-2280950
Nursery fee: Not available

7. Eicher School: An innovative feature of the school is home visits so as to meet children in their home environment and assist them in planning his daily schedule. The school has topped the ‘parental participation’ category, and has the second highest ‘extra curricular activities’ and ‘sports’ scores, among others.

Website: www.eicherschool.net
Phone: 0129-2437583
Nursery fee: Rs. 76,020 per annum

8. Modern Vidya Niketan, Aravali: Modern Vidya Niketan founded the Aravali campus on the back of the success from their other branch in Faridabad itself. The campus is well ventilated and spacious and offers computer-aided learning to its students. The school has done well in the ‘individual attention to students’ category.

Website: www.mvneducation.com
Phone: 0129-4091700
Nursery fee: Rs. 82,728 per annum

9. Ryan International School, Sector 21-B: The audio-visual aids supplement the repository of the teaching aids used by the school. The school also provides global exposure through Model United Nations, Presidential Classroom sessions, leadership camps and youth festivals. It has done well in the ‘parental participation’ and ‘value system’ categories.

Website: www.ryanfaridabad.co.in
Phone: 0129-4273700
Nursery fee: Rs. 47,160 per annum

10. DAV Public School, Sector 37: The school, established in 1997, has many facilities, including a volleyball court, basketball court , skating, computer labs, libraries, art rooms, music rooms, activity room, medical room and math labs. The school has done well on the ‘value system/integration’ and ‘social accountability’ parameters.

Website: www.dav37.net
Phone: 0129-4279200
Nursery fee: Not Available

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