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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Participate in discussion on making Faridabad a Smart City

Municipal Corporation of Faridabad (MCF) is required to prepare a Smart City Proposal (SCP) to compete for its position among first top twenty smart cities in India and formulate its own vision, sub-goals and strategies through active consultation of its citizens and all stakeholders.

All the citizens or stakeholders are hereby invited to share and suggest their ideas, vision and Smart City Solutions to transform their city into smart city.You may post your views on any of the topics listed below or can share any other important topic that you feel is important and shall help in achieving the goal of making Faridabad

Topic – Smart Faridabad

i. Sub Topic : Environment Friendly Faridabad
ii. Sub Topic : Slum free Faridabad
iii. Sub Topic : Inclusive Faridabad
iv. Sub Topic : Liveable Faridabad
v. Sub Topic : Smooth Movement across Faridabad
vi. Sub Topic : Healthy Faridabad
vii. Sub Topic : Safe Faridabad
viii. Sub-Topic : Digital Faridabad
ix. Sub-Topic : Smart Industries

Citizens are requested to actively participate in the discussions and contribute towards making Faridabad a smart city. Please follow this link: Smart City Faridabad

Kindly post your views till 30th November, 2015.

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4 days left to win a prize: Express your views on Smart City Faridabad

All Citizens or Stakeholders (Schools of Faridabad both Private and Public, Higher education Institutes of Faridabad, RWA’s of Faridabad, Training Institutes of Faridabad, City associations) are invited to participate in Essay Writing Competition for Smart Faridabad.

Please write an essay on “My Smart Faridabad”illustrating a smart solution you think is usable in your Smart City Faridabad.

The essay should be written in 1000 words in either of the sub topics or you can write on any other similar sub-topic of your choice.

Topic: My Smart Faridabad
i. Sub Topic : Environment Friendly Faridabad
ii. Sub Topic : Slum free Faridabad
iii. Sub Topic : Inclusive Faridabad
iv. Sub Topic : Liveable Faridabad
v. Sub Topic : Smooth Movement across Faridabad
vi. Sub Topic : Healthy Faridabad
vii. Sub Topic : Safe Faridabad
viii. Sub-Topic : Digital Faridabad
ix. Sub-Topic : Smart Industries
Terms and Conditions
1. Award-winning essay shall be chosen on the basis of itsinnovative and creative ideas.
2. The name of the participants, address and contact number must be mentioned clearly on the top of the essay.
3. The decision of Municipal Corporation of Faridabad for selecting the winner shall be treated as Final.

The top six essay will be awarded under two categories which are as follows:
1. Open to All – Cash Incentives under this category are as follows:
First Prize (One) – Rs25, 000
Second Prize (One) - Rs.15,000
Third Prize (One) – Rs. 10,000
2. School Students - Cash Incentives under this category are as follows:
First Prize (One) – Rs. 5,000
Second Prize (One) – Rs. 3,000
Third Prize (One) – Rs. 2,000
How to submit
1. Submit online at http://mygov.in
2. The students may submit their essays to the Head of the Institute and the Head of the Institute will submit the same to the District Education Officer.

The Last date for submission of the essay is 15th October, 2015.

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