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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Faridabad-the future city

Faridabad sitting pretty at the south of national capital New Delhi and is being seen as the most promising city in National Capital Region in anticipation of better connectivity and space availability.

It has been growing quietly in the shadow of its rich cousin Gurgaon which is often christened as the millennium city.

Delhi Metro is coming up and in the first phase it will touch Badarpur, the border between Delhi and Faridabad. A long sought after flyover at Badarpur chowk has also been approved and in most likelihood, if reports are to be believed, will start in 2008 only. After implementation of these two high profile projects, the communication to and fro Faridabad will be improved significantly and it certainly will attract big attentions. In anticipation, rents already are touching the roof and property market went northwards.

Civilians in this city have tough time on the basic amenities front- preferably water and power. Law and order is another area of concern, although the new SSP is taking anti social elements heads on. The Mathura Road which passes through the city- from Delhi to Agra- is the most significant stretch in the city. Both sides of Mathura Road are flanked by industries and business establishments.

Municipal Corporation website claims that Faridabad is also the biggest industrial town of Haryana having three Railway Stations namely Old Faridabad, N.I.T., Faridabad and Ballabgarh. This is the only town in Haryana having four number of Tourist Complexes namely SurajKund, Badkhal, Magpie and Aravali Golf Club and Restaurant.

Faridabad is also the only town of Haryana which is presently having more than 13 lacs population and which is the only town having Metropolitan Town status and the only, Municipal Corporation since 1994 of the state. Faridabad is also the only Delhi Metropolitan Area Town (D.M.A Town) of Haryana which has the proposed eastern and western peripheral Express Ways encircling Delhi for faster movement of inter-state traffic connecting all the Delhi Metropolitan Area towns and all National Highways around Delhi.

Apart from above, Faridabad is also famous for its sports and cultural activities having International Level Cricket Stadium, Athletics Stadium, Open Air Theaters in Sector-12 and SurajKund, 725 seated Air-Conditioned Indoor Auditorium alongwith Air-Conditioned Conference Hall, Town Park and an area of around 300 acres of City Centre having commercial, administrative and recreational facilities on Delhi Mathura Road in the Centre of the Faridabad Town.

Wikipedia informs that Faridabad was founded in A.D. 1607 by Shaikh Farid, treasurer of Jahangir, with the object of protecting the highway which passed through the town. Shaikh Farid built a fort, a tank and a mosque which are in runins. Later, it becomes the headquaters of a pargana which was held in jagir by the Ballabgarh ruler. Faridabad became 12th District of Haryana State on 15th August, 1979. Faridabad is about 25 Kilometers from Delhi in 28o 25' 16" North Latitude and 77o 18' 28" East Longitude.It is bounded by Union Territory of Delhi (National Capital) on its north, Gurgaon District on the west and State of Utter Pradesh on its east & south. Delhi-Mathura National Highway No.2 (Shershah Suri Marg) passes thru centre of District. It has a railway station on the Delhi-Mathura double track broad-gauge line of the Northern Railway and North-Central Railway. Badkhal Lake tourist complex, Suraj Kund Tourist Complex, Aravali Golf Club, Raja Nahar Singh Palace and Dabchick are the famous tourist spots.

Send your comments on: fbdpost@gmail.com


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