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Friday, November 20, 2009

Surajkund 2010-February 01-15

Rajasthan will be the theme state in 2010 Surajkund fair (February 01-15)- the famous craft fair of Haryana in Faridabad near Delhi border. Rajasthan nominated for the second time for this honour since the inception of this fair in 1981. This time area of the fair is being increased to accommodate the large no. of artisans and craftsmen who want to showcase their art. A truly incredible experience for years people are in fact waiting for this. The guests from foreign countries also have a chance to feel the art and colour of the country as many states are represented in this beautiful Mela.

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मेवात का इतिहास


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

आगरा नहर किनारे सरपट दौडेंगी गाड़ियां

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

NCR: Bus fares hiked, no change in facilities

Faridabad has a fleet of 215 buses. Of these, 45 are CNG-operated and 20 are low-floor buses. The condition of most diesel-operated buses is deplorable. Also, the bus stands are in a shambles. There are no shelter facilities for waiting passengers, and public conveniences in the complexes are not cleaned or maintained. Read in the Indian Express


Prove charges of funds misuse yourself, Faridabad civic body tells resident

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Panel set up for Metro to Faridabad

Central government has set up a three-member committee to facilitate the extension of Delhi Metro to Faridabad and Bahadurgarh on November 11. The panel will submit a report soon considering Haryana government's continuous effort to expedite the extension plan. The special committee will be chaired by urban development secretary M Ramchandran and will include chief secretaries of Delhi and Haryana. The metro line from Badarpur border in Delhi to Faridabad will be approximately 13.88 km. Similarly, from Mundka to Bahadurgarh, the distance will be 11.18 km. Read full report in The Times of India...

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6 लेन हाइवे पर होंगे 7 फ्लाईओवर

बाईपास से बदलेगी औद्योगिक क्षेत्र की तस्वीर

Ministers from Faridabad region in new Hooda administration

Badkhal MLA Mahendra Pratap Singh bestowed cabinet rank in the new Hooda ministry. He became minister for Power, Renewable Energy, Labour & Employment, Food & Supplies, Urban Local Bodies, Industries & Commerce.

Pt. Shiv Charan Lal Sharma is minister of state for Revenue & Disaster Management (Attached with CM), Consolidation (Independent Charge), Rehabiliation (Independent Charge).

Ballabgarh MLA Sharda Rathode is made Chief Parliamentary Secretary for local bodies, technical education department whereas Hathin MLA Jaleb Khan is attached to revenue & disaster management


Friday, November 6, 2009

Youth Festival at Nehru College

Three-day Youth Festival begun on November 05 at the Sector 16 Nehru College in the Faridabad.

Book Fair in Faridabad from November 07

A book fair is being organised by Vishwa Gaytri Pariwar in Faridabad from November 07 to November 16, 2009 at Lions Club Nehru Ground, NIT.

Photo: Faridabad Post