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Monday, June 28, 2010

Parking plans at Surajkund

Friday, June 25, 2010

Badarpur metro-line for September finish

The Central Secretariat-Badarpur Metro corridor is expected to meet its Commonwealth Games deadline with the Delhi Metro putting work on the fast-track on this 20-km stretch. With plans to commission the line by September, the DMRC announced on Thursday that trial runs on a section of the corridor could begin by July 1. Read in detail in the Indian Express

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Work on Badarpur flyover stepped up

"The deadline for completion of this flyover is December 2010, but efforts are being made to complete it before the start of the Commonwealth Games,” RK Chawla, Project Director, National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) said.

According to NHAI, construction of the Rs 340 crore, 4.4-kilometre flyover project has been entrusted to Hindustan Construction Company (HCC), which started the work in December 2008, Chawla said.

The 4.4-kilometer flyover starts in Delhi at NTPC chowk near Badarpur and will end at Sector 37 in Faridabad. Read more in The Hindustan Times

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Faridabad, Ballabhgarh to get Metro rail service: Hooda

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Faridabad to get mega industrial township

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

KMP Expressway's first stretch in November

Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda has announced that a part of the 135.65-km Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Expressway will be opened this November.
“The first segment of the four-lane expressway between Manesar (NH-8) and Palwal (NH-2) will be opened in the first week of November,” Hooda said. On the expressway, toll will be levied according to the distance travelled, also called partial tolling. The total cost of the project has been estimated at Rs 1,915 crore; of this, Rs 1,200 crore had already been spent till the end of April this year. Read more in The Indian Express

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why Faridabad needs Metro: fresh survey

Ashok Arora is Faridabad Mayor

Ashok Arora, 57, a physiotherapist who won Municipal Corporation of Faridabad (MCF) elections for the first time, was unanimously elected as the new mayor of Faridabad on June 09. The Corporator from Sector 12 is popular for his roles he play in Ramlila of Dashrath and Hanuman.

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Faridabad Panchayat elections 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

List of newly elected Corporators of Faridabad- May 20 Municipal elections

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Advanced integrated solid waste processing facility at Bandhwari

North India’s most advanced integrated solid waste processing facility is being set up jointly by Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon (MCG) and Municipal Corporation, Faridabad at Bandhwari at a cost of Rs 65 crore and it would be fully functional before the onset of the monsoon. Read more in Indianews

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Badarpur Metro nears finishing line

The 20.16-km-long line will branch out from a new Metro station that is coming up adjacent to the one at Central Secretariat. From here, the Metro will traverse underground through Khan Market, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Jangpura, before running elevated through Lajpat Nagar, Moolchand, Kailash Colony, Nehru Place, Kalkaji Mandir, Govindpuri, Okhla, Jasola, Sarita Vihar, Mohan Estate and Tughlaqabad to reach Badarpur. There is a request to extend the line to Faridabad in future, for which DMRC has given three possible route options to the Haryana government.

Trains will run at an average speed of about 37 kmph and will reach Nehru Place from Connaught Place in 20 minutes. Since the line is coming up on highly-congested roads, it is being constructed on standard gauge to allow better movement.

While 97% of the work on the underground tunnels and stations have been completed, the mid section of the line from Lajpat Nagar to Okhla is about 80-90% done. The problem area is the portion between Jasola and Badarpur, where construction is about 75% done. Read more in The Times of India

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