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Sunday, October 2, 2011

The top ten Faridabad schools

Hindustan Times

New Delhi, September 20, 2011

The top ten Faridabad schools

Apeejay School
Established in 1972, Apeejay School has become a household name here. The school has an English literary club, science club, environment club and reader's club. It topped in the ‘life skills education’ and ‘parental participation categories in our survey, while it has the second-highest scores in ‘sports’ and ‘teacher care and development’.
Website: http://www.apeejay.edu/
Phone: 0129-2284535
Nursery fee: R53,400 per annum

DAV Public School, sector 14
The school has scored the highest in the ‘sports’ and ‘value system’ parameters and has the second-highest score in ‘social accountability’. Their basketball team has won the district basketball championship for the last three years. It caters to the other sports demands as well, with a skating rink and a gymnasium.
Website: http://www.dav14faridabad.org/
Phone: 0129-2280950
Nursery fee: R33,400 per annum

Delhi Public School, Faridabad
The school has carved a niche with its continued academic excellence. The school has introduced ‘smart’ classes, to blend teaching with technology. It has topped in the ‘extra-curricular activities’, ‘teacher care and development’ , ‘value for money’ and ‘competence of teachers’ among other parameters.
Website: http://www.dpsfbd.com/
Phone: 0129-2280522
Nursery fee: R63,600 per annum

Eicher School, Faridabad
Eicher has gone from running out of a rented building to a sprawling campus in its 17 years. The teachers organise house calls to plan the child’s daily schedule with the parents. No wonder, it has scored second highest in the ‘individual attention to students’ and ‘parental participation’ parameters.
Website: http://www.eicherschool.net/
Phone: 0129-2437583
Nursery fee: R50,000 per annum

Manav Rachna International School
The school, started in 2006, has a centrally air-conditioned campus. It has tied-up with Carnegie Mellon University, USA to give robotics training to students. It has topped in the ‘individual attention to students’ category and has the second-highest scores in the ‘infrastructure and facilities’ and ‘safety and hygiene’ parameters.
Website: http://www.mris.edu.in/
Phone: 0129-4198500
Nursery fee: R68,500 per annum

Modern Delhi Public School
The school has an air-conditioned campus and organises regular teacher-training workshops. It encourages to take part in various extra-curricualr activities.It has the second-highest score in the ‘academic rigour’ parameter and does well on the ‘safety and hygiene’, ‘value system’ and ‘infrastructure and facilities’ parameters in our survey.
Website: http://www.moderndps.org/
Phone: 0129-2229277
Nursery fee: R45,500 per annum

Modern Vidya Niketan, Aravali
The Aravali campus was founded after the overwhelming success of the first branch in sector 17. It offers computer-aided learning in the primary wing. They scored highest in the ‘safety and hygiene’ parameter and scored well on others, such as ‘individual attention to students’, ‘infrastructure and facilities’ and ‘value system’.
Website: http://www.mvneducation.com/
Phone: 0129-4091700
Nursery fee: R70,000 per annum

Modern Vidya Niketan, Sector 17
The school shot to fame in 2009 when it produced the IIT-JEE topper, Nitin Jain, making it one of the most sought-after schools in Faridabad. The school has topped in the ‘academic rigour’ parameter, while it has the second-highest scores in ‘individual attention to students’ and ‘competence of teachers’ categories.
Website: http://www.mvneducation.com/
Phone: 0129-4072696
Nursery fee: R71,000 per annum

Ryan International School, Faridabad
Founded in 1991, this school has a ‘Green Force Club’ for encouraging environment-friendly behaviour on campus. It has various clubs tailored to the various interests of its students and a school parliament to nurture leadership qualities. It does well on the ‘value system’ parameter in the HT-C fore top school survey.
Website: http://www.ryanfaridabad.co.in/
Phone: 0129- 4273700
Nursery fee: R34,645 per annum

St. Joseph’s Convent School*
Like other convent schools, St. Joseph's prides itself on the level of discipline it instills in the students. The teachers work hard to develop proper etiquette and groom the students. The school has scored highest in the ‘value system’ and ‘social accountability’ parameters and has a high ‘value for money’ score as well.
Phone: 0129-2413796

* These schools did not participate in the survey. Their scores are based on the perceptual survey conducted among parents and teachers as mentioned in the methodology.
Nursery fee figures, provided to HT by the schools, are approximate. They include annual fee and development charges (transport fee is variable). For the total fee amount, please contact the schools.
Disclaimer: The survey data is a copyright of HT Media Limited, any use of this survey data would lead to infringement of their copyright and may result in legal action against the Infringer.
© Copyright © 2011 HT Media Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Beyond the top ten schools

The ABC of Faridabad schools

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