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Friday, January 30, 2009

Saraswati Puja will be celeberated tomorrow on Vasantpanchami

Surajkund Craft mela from Feb 01-15

  • Surajkund Pictures 2009
  • Every Tuesday the customers having Vodaphone no. will have a ticket free
  • Tickets INR 50 at the Surajkund mela venue
  • Contact: 9873570095
  • Time: 9:30 to 07:00
  • handbags not allowed
  • Buses from ISBT in Delhi and NIT Faridabd
  • Also conducted tours from Haryana Tourism- Chandralok building at Janpath New Delhi
  • Craftsmen from the SAARC countries also show their wares
  • Egypt is the partner country for Surajkund 2009
  • Egypt's traditional "Ismalia" troupe will perform on Feb 12
Surajkund in Faridabad is ready to embrace the visitors for its 23rd edition of Crafts fair which has become a prominent annual event in this part. Organised with a 'theme state' and easy communication to and fom Delhi (actually it comes under the NCR) makes this event popular and international tourists also throng in large numbers.
Egypt, which is the partner country, would send a folk troupe Islamia. President of India Pratibha Patil will be the Chief Guest and she will officially inaugurate the fair. An unprecedented security civer is in place.

All sorts of crafts- wooden, metal, terracotta, jute etc are on display. The handicraft lovers, those who are in search of folk music and also people who want to satisfy their gastronomical tastebuds find Surajkund Craft fair as an opportunity. Successfully organised by Haryana Tourism this time Madhya Pradesh is the theme state of the mela. You can have a clear picture of people and culture of the central Indian province which is famous for its rural handicrafts. The Mela will be organised by the Surajkund Mela Authority headed by Secretary, Tourism and Culture, Government of India (GoI) in association with the Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Tourism, GoI.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Car showrooms in Faridabad

·         Toyota- Thirty six, 14/7, Main Mathura Road, Tel: 8800333636, 0129-4293636

·         GM Chevrolet- Regent auto- Tel: 4088530/1, 2252303

·         Audi- B1/H1, MCIE, Mathura Road, New Delhi, Tel: 011-46007300, 9540292929

·         Tata Motors- Tayal, Mathura Road, - Tel: 011-47361102

§  Triumph, opp. YMCA, Tel: 011-48449118

·         Mahindra- Sterling Motor Co.- Tel:4048445/47, 9958991727, 99715920023

·         Maruti Suzuki- Batra- 2252222, 9654999900

§  Vipul Motors- 27/5, Main Mathura Road, 4285000

§  TCS Autoworld, Tel:9716131001

·         Hyundai- Fx (Bata Toll Bridge), Tel: 9716112234, 9810163984
Baltic (15/1 mile, Mathura Road), Tel: 4288300, 9873678181

·         Honda- Classic Honda- Tel: 4097007, 9958467467

·         First Choice Mahindra- Perfect Vision Building, Mathura Road,  Tel: 4105001, 9810974489

·         Ford- NCR Ford, Main Mathura Road.Tel:2255722, 9540019816

·         Skoda- Arshia Motors, Sec 15 A, Crown Plaza, Tel:4180000, 9958633333

·         Nissan- South Delhi, Tel: 011-43299999, 9582598437
·         Mercedes-Benz- South Delhi, Tel:9811285252

  • Volkswagen- Mathura road, Tel: 0129-4264444, 8860086101

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Today in Faridabad

  • National conference on soft computing and artificial intelligence at Lingaya's institute of management and technology
  • Training and talk on 'freedom from anxiety and bipolar disorders' by Swami Prakash Venue: Vedic Wisdom Centre, B-415, Ist Floor, Gate 4, Greenfield, near Surajkund Time: 9am to 6 pm
  • 'Chocolate Banana Macaroon Cake' as cake of the month (Till Jan 31, 2009) and 'Tomato & Olive Bread' as the Bread of the month Venue: The Claridges, Ye Old Bakery, Surajkund, Time: 10am to 11pm


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Now you can commute in auto from Delhi to Faridabad uninterrupted

A fresh agreement paved the way for autos, chartered buses and taxis ply uninterrupted from Delhi to Faridabad and vice-versa. Till now, you can come by an auto from Delhi and call it off at Badarpur border and take another transport mode to reach your destination in Faridabad.

People who regularly commute by taxis and autos must have had sigh of relief after hearing this news. There are a set of guidelines for the operators to heed on including clean fuel, Euro III norms, colour code, logo etc. Only 8000 autos will be allowed to ply between Delhi and Haryana.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Discounts on life-style products in Faridabad

Updated Jan 24, 2009

  • Nouvelle-gifts-Sec.21B, Tel:9310811897
  • Leela's Studio-woman fashion, Tel:9811102380
  • Fuzzion-apparels-Sec.15, Tel:4163599, 9971738934
  • Liberty-upto50%-G-6, Crown Interiorz, Tel:4161165
  • Nakshatra-diamond jewellery-Gitanjali Tel:4015439/5539
  • Corfom mattress-KK Foam Tel:2501697, Mangala Tel:4040192
  • Welhome-70%off- Pristine mall Tel:4012691, CrownInterior Tel:4161297
  • Catmoss-upto50%off-City mall, Crown plaza, Crown Int., Pristine
  • Gini & Jony-flat50%-Sham Garment
  • Little Kangaroos-SB3,2nd floor,Crown Plaza, Tel:4067475
  • Pepe Jeans-Crown Interiorz
  • Colorplus-Crown Plaza
  • Tacfab- women's world-upto 50%-Crown Interiorz Tel:4161059
  • New Ludhiana wollen mela-NIT 1-2 chowk, Tel:2421294
  • Balujas shoes-flat 50%-ist floor, Crown Plaza,Tel:4004929
  • Ritu Wears upto 50% off- Eldeco Station I, Sector-12
  • CnM-chunmun-40% off-Parshvanath City Mall, Sec 12, Tel:2299880
  • Citizen watches-Yuva Watches,Tel:2220392, Nagpal watch co.,Tel:4066873
  • Titan-SRS mall-Tel:4106500, Crown Interiorz Tel:4161168
  • Timex-Fine Watch Co., Tel:9891279999
  • Levi's- Mathura Road- Tel: 2258244
  • John Player- Flat 40% off-Sonu Emporium, SRS Value Bazaar
  • Numero Uno-upto 80% off, Crown Plaza,-Tel:4009005, SRS-Tel:4090100, NIT- Tel:4141255
  • Raymond- Opp. Municipal auditorium, BK Chowk, Tel:4030379
    Crown Interiorz Tel:4161052
  • Cottons by Century-15A market, Tel: 4013114/15, Crown Interiorz Tel:4161180
  • Lilliput- upto 50% off-Ansal, Crown Interiorz
  • Cantabil- buy 1 get 3-Shop no.16, Parsvanath, Tel: 4159927
  • Charlie outlaw-Tel: 4074154, 4029263, 4014103
  • Koutons- Tel: 4012343
  • Ebony-upto 60% off
  • Reid & Taylor- GF,45A, Crown Interiorz
  • Duke-Opp bus stand NIT, Ist floor rown Plaza
  • Appeal- 40% off- Crown Interiorz Tel: 4158951
  • Sparx shoes- Tel:4030610-11
  • Club fitworkx, Sec15, Tel:9891582000, 9999993554, 4004009
  • Globus- upto 50% off- Crown Interiorz
  • Chhabra 555- sarees, suits, lehengas- Crown Ansal Plaza, Tel:4018046, Crown Interiorz, Tel: 6468555
  • Ostermann- 50+20% off- Tel:4105031
  • Allen Cooper- buy 1 get 5-Kathuria Collection GF 28-31, Parsvanth City Mall, Tel:4109330/31
  • Shyam Garments-Sector-I, NIT, Tel:2418756
  • Sportking-NIT, Tel:6450713
  • Woodland-flat 40% off-Ansal Plaza & Crown Interiorz
  • Planet M - Crown Plaza
  • Provogue- SRS City Centre, Crown Interiorz
  • K-line garments- Shop no.5, sec 15 market, Tel:4106906, 9811914244
  • Videocon-100% cah back on scratch card

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Rakesh Jinsi appointed India head of SOS Children's Villages

Rakesh Jinsi has been appointed as the India Director of the international child charity SOS Children's Villages. He replaced Pradeep Singh who will now be known as advisor to the president of SOS Children's Villages of India, S Sandilya. Sandilya is chairman of the Eicher group. Now, SOS-India will be governed by the two corporate veterans.
Picture courtsey: http://www.autocarpro.in
With 32 years of corporate experience Jinsi has been associated with New Holland Tractors (India) Pvt Ltd. SOS Children's Villages India operates two projects at Faridabad- Greenfields and Sector 29. Greenfields project was inaugurated by the then prime minister Indira Gandhi in 1972.

Recently, J N Kaul, founder and the Life Patron of the SOS Children's Villages of India died in Faridabad after a prolonged illness.
Based at Austria, SOS Children's Villages is active in 132 countries and in India it has sizeable presence with 32 projects all over the country. It provides a family based long-term care to the orphan and needy children.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

National Conference On Soft Computing And Artificial Intelligence

Jan 15-16, Faridabad at Lingaya's Institute of Management & Technology, Nachauli
National Conference On Soft Computing And Artificial Intelligence will be organised by Lingaya's Institute of Management & Technology on Jan15-16 at Faridabad. The venue is: Nachauli, Jasana Road, Faridabad-121002, Tel : 0129-2201008/9 (extn : 419), Fax : 0129- 2202615. The convenor is Prof. T. V. Prasad, Head (CSE) who can be reached at cselimat2009@gmail.com
The primary objective of "NCSCAI09" is to establish an effective channel of communication between theoretical researchers and practitioners.

The theoretical research outcome provides necessary support to practitioners in the design and development of intelligent systems, and the difficulties faced by the practitioners in using the theoretical results provide feedback to the theoreticians to revalidate their models.

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Most affordable rates in NCR in Faridabad

Poorna Bhattacharjee, The Indian Express
No other market near Delhi offers rates as affordable as those in Faridabad. Greater accessibility from Delhi via the Metro will make this area even more popular in the near future. Demand has been picking up ever so slightly and the buyer looking for bargain prices in the NCR region can get them in Faridabad.

Plots in Sectors 82, 83, 84, 85, 75 & 76 are priced at Rs 10 – 12, 000 per square yard, in the secondary market. Primary market rate for a 250 square yard plot is Rs 14, 0000 per square yard, Rs 13, 500 per square yard for a 350 square yard plot and Rs 12, 500 per square yard for a 500 square yard plot. Rates have reduced about Rs. 6000 from the previous year. Sectors under Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) have seen a similar reduction of Rs 6000 per square yard over one year. The average plot rate in Sector 21 A, B, C, D is at Rs. 24 – 28, 000 per square yard. Rs. 35,000 per sq yard is the average rate for Sector 16 while it is Rs. 40,000 for Sector 15. Sectors 30 – 31 are priced between Rs 40,000 and Rs 42,000 per square yard. Apartment rates in Sector 21 range from Rs. 30 – 35 lakh for 2 BHK to Rs. 50 –60 lakh for a 3 BHK.

The Neher Paar area consists of the upcoming sectors 77, 78, 86, 88, 89, where the prices of apartments have reduced by about Rs 150 per square foot. The current primary market rate is between Rs. 1800 and Rs 2000 per square foot. The secondary market rate is between Rs. 1450 – Rs. 1650 per square foot.

Rental rates have remained stable. In Sector 21 C, a 2 BHK apartment spanning 1000-1200 square feet is being rented out at Rs. 8000 per month. A 3 BHK flat of around 14-1800 square feet is at the rate of Rs 130000 per month while a 4 BHK of 2000-2300 square feet is at the rate of Rs. 16000. In sector 16, a 2 BHK floor on a 108 square yard plot can be rented at the rate of Rs 9000 per month while a ¾ BHK floor on a 250 square yard plot is at the rate of Rs 18 – 20,000 per month.
“The market is beginning to ease solely in Faridabad. Other areas in the NCR region like Gurgaon are not offering many deals for the middle class customer,” said Pradeep Mishra, broker with Sainik Estates. A number of malls such as Crown Interior, Vardhman Star Shop and Mall Manhattan have come up in Faridabad. DPS, Faridabad is also centrally located near the Faridabad Chowk. Given its good location and ample facilities, Faridabad promises good deals for the cautious consumer.
Send your comments on: fbdpost@gmail.com

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Friday, January 2, 2009

BSNL launches IPTV in Faridabad

BSNL launches IPTV in Faridabad

In association with Smart Digivision, BSNL launched the ‘Interactive Personalised Television and Video Services’ (IPTV) in Faridabad along with Gurgaon and Ambala in the Haryana circle.

In IPTV service, digital content services are delivered using the Internet protocol (IP) over a broadband connection using closed network infrastructure. Separate virtual circuits for voice, data and video applications are created in the same telephone connection to deliver the ‘Triple Play Services.’

Having options of swap more than 140 channels customers will have choice of an extensive movie library of Bollywood and Hollywood movies at no extra cost.

Customers can also get video, games and education on demand. The next phase will offer more features such as the ability to pause live TV, personalized stock-ticker and scheduled recording. The new offering features services like `Video on Demand' - a full catalogue all time favourite movies, programmes, and special features.

The Smart TV Group, consisting Smart Digivision Pvt Ltd and Smart Broadband Services Pvt Ltd, has entered into long term contracts with BSNL for providing co-branded interactive video services to their customers in 54 cities across India.

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Hotels & Restaurants in Faridabad

  • The ClaridgesShooting Range Road, Faridabad-121001
    Tel: 0129-4190000, 4190001
  • Rajmahal Regency
    46 B.P. Neelam Bata Road, N.I.T , Tel: +91 129 4081727, 4101364,                                           M- +91 9811320568                                                                                           http://www.rajmahalregency.com/
  • Ashirbad family Restaurant good atmosphere for families
    Sec 16, Tel: 2261222, 4041711, 4074715
  • Moti mahal restaurantAdjacent to Ashirbad
  • Sethi's Delicacy
    Shop No. 9-10, Sector 15
    Main market, Faridabad-121007
    Tel: 0129-2285184, 2286184, 4009111
  • Triple NineDSS-30, Sector-31
    Tel: 9999858333
  • Domino's Pizza
    Shop No. 1&2, Pristine Mall, Sector 31
    Tel: 2251100, 2259977, 4256700
  • Suruchi vegetarian restaurant
    Crown Interiorz Mall
    S-29, 2nd floor, Sec-35
    Tel: 4311300, 4313400, 4020500
  • Republic of Chicken
    Sms chicken to 54545
  • The Old Dilli Kitchen
    Shop No 23, 19-28 dividing road, Badkhal More, Tel:9210960381                                           
    Tel: 6525001, 6525002
  • Chopra's food plaza
    a family restaurant- shop no. 54,55, Sector 28,
    tel: 0129-4035738, 9810635738, 9711560469

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