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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mahindra's Faridabad unit manufactured first Marksman

The first Marksman, armoured capsule-based light bullet-proof vehicles manufactured at Mahindra Defence System's Faridabad factory handed over to the Mumbai police. The armoured vehicles cost about Rs 38 lakh each and can shield bullets fired from AK-47.


Check before hitting the road on Aug 15

Commuters from Faridabad to Delhi and vice-versa should check the routes as several restrictions would be in place in view of the independence day celebrations. The traffic restrictions will be in place from midnight to about 9am on August 15, till the function gets over.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sec 29 still faces power outage

Residents of Sector 29 still sweating it out in the absence of power. Electricity resumed yesterday but, it was short-lived and around 9pm darkness enveloped the entire sector after a big thud (a blast like sound from the Transformer replaced yesterday near Holy Child School). At 3am power came and again it's the same story- severe fluctuations hampering you to run the electric equipments and even the Inverter batteries are not being recharged. It's a really tough time for the people and the electricity department is not concerned at all.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

power resumed 1pm today in Sec 29

Residents of Sector 29 have had a sigh of relief when power resumed 1pm today. A transformer has been changed at the gate of Holy Child School perhaps which led the resumption of electric supply.  

Power outage in Faridabad for more than 24 hrs.

Power resumed late at night for two hours but, fluctuations were extreme and those people were lucky who had still life left in their Inverters after exhausting it in the day-long power cut yesterday. Amit of the Friends' Enclave in Sector 29 said that at 2 am his inverter stopped working and with entire family he spent night in his balcony on the face of threats from the roaming simians. Not a drop of water left in the water tank and taps went dry-how to go for work today is a million dollar question. When the power would resume today no one knows.

Many reasons are coming forth with load shedding to breaking of high tension wire in Palla. People from Sector 7 today also reporting that they are facing the similar fate.
बिजली कटौती, लगाया जाम

Monday, August 10, 2009

Power blackout in Faridabad

Sector 28 and Sector 29 in Faridabad faces power and water blackout since morning. People are at pains in this extreme humid conditions. Women, children and old age people have no choice and they are keeping their fingers crossed as what would happen tonight. In offices and markets diesel generators are adding to the air and noise pollution.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Making dream of legally owning house a reality: independent floors in plotted colonies in Faridabad

Sources said that vertical divisions of plots and increase in floor area ratio (FAR) would not be allowed. In addition to the normal stamp duty, 1% extra stamp duty would have to be paid by the party desirous of registering the floor-wise dwelling units through a separate challan.

This 1% stamp duty will be paid by the treasury to the municipal committee/ HUDA depending on where the property in question is located. While this is going to bring huge relief to house owners, there is also a catch for the state government . It expects to generate approximately Rs 200 crore revenue in the form of collection of stamp duty with this single move.
Read more in the Economic Times

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Avail free ride on buses on Raksha-Bandhan tomorrow

On occasion of Raksha-Bandhan tomorrow women would have free ride on buses of Haryana Roadways and Delhi Transport Corporation. In Haryana Roadways buses children upto 15 years of age also entitled to free ride.

Shops and malls geared up to attract customers with special discounts. With diamond-studded Rakhis to hand-made rakhis to eco-friendly rakhis many varieties are available on this occasion of brother-sister love.

Sisters tie a sacred thread around wrist of her brothers and brothers vow to protect their sisters. 'Raksha-bandhan' is Hindi for 'bond of protection' and it is being celebrated across north-India; now it spreads all through the country.

In Old Faridabad the historical Pankha Mela is being organised with traditional fervour. The famous Pathwari temple near Barhi pond in Old Faridabad is being decked up and tomorrow the silver Pankha which hangs on the idol of the goddess in the sanctum sanctorum would be taken out in a procession, followed by a dozen tableaus. The Pankha has been created at Dariban Kalan in Chandni Chowk in Delhi for the last 40 years. After passing through various roads in the city the procession would be returned to the temple in the night. Thousands of people trail the procession with band playing the devotional songs.

The only word of caution for the commuters on Faridabad-Delhi route is that historically this day witness heavy traffic.

According to a report in The Hindu, the Rakhi festival has turned into a rallying point for hundreds of village women near Renuka in Himachal Pradesh's Sirmaur district as they pledge to protect their 'brother' trees that will be drowned by the Renuka hydroelectric project. Women from villages are tying rakhis on the trees as the dam aimed at providing drinking water to New Delhi will inundate them.

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P K Aggarwal, first Commissioner of Police of Faridabad

P K Aggarwal, a 1988 batch IPS officer assumed his charge as the first Commissioner of Police of Faridabad on August 01. Faridabad became the second district after Gurgaon in Haryana to get the Commissioner system of policing.

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