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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Elevated road on Shahdara drain will decongest traffic between Faridabad and Noida

To be built on the lines of the Barapullah road, the 5.8km elevated road will start from the Chilla Regulator in Delhi and go up till KalindiKunj-Noida border. It will not just decongest Noida, but also reduce driving time between Delhi, Faridabad and Ghaziabad.
Starting from Chilla Regulator ( Mayur Vihar) in Delhi to Kalindi Kunj located on the border of Noida and Faridabad, the Shahdara drain enters Noida city at sector 14, 14A and runs along sector 95 to drain out into the Yamuna below the Kalindi Kunj Bridge. Along the way, the drain flows under bridges located at Udyog Marg, Master Plan-I road, Master Plan-II road and the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway link road. The proposed elevated road will run parallel to this route, officials said.
Estimated to cost about Rs 525 crores, the stretch will be 5.8km in length and would serve as a dedicated fast-access corridor for vehicles. To be constructed on stilts, each of the carriageways is proposed to be three-lane on either side.

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Faridabad resident Mohit Sharma joins Indian Cricket team as a fast bowler

It's a wonderful achievement for this young man from Faridabad. His hard work and perseverance clicked for him and of course the right dose of luck.  He's part of the Indian Cricket team going to Zimbabwe for one-dayers as a fast bowler. A great Ranji season and a successful stint with Chennai Super Kings in IPL-6 swayed the decision in his favour.

He resides at Chawala Colony in Ballabhgarh. Faridabad Post celebrates and wishes him good luck.

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Sale season is now on in Faridabad.

 Goodies are raining and discounts are great; make most of them.
  • Woodland sale begins: upto 50% off
  • Ritu wears- 30-40% off,  Tel: 9650811388
  • CnM- sale
                Parsavnath City Mall, Sec.12
                 Tel: 0129-2299881
  • Monte Carlo: sale
                          Crown interiorz, Tel: 4077701
  • Levis- buy 1 get 1
    Crown plaza
  • Colorplus- sale
    Crown Plaza
check for other brands also- there are almost sale on all major brands. 

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Master road in Greater Faridabad delayed

Photo: Faridabad Post
Only 47 % work has been completed for the Master road in Greater Faridabad. The deadline of September 2013 will be missed keeping in view the pace of work. The total length of road would be 44.48 kms. After completion the Master road will be connecting entire upcoming Nehar Par sectors.

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New CNG stations on Surajkund Road and Gurgaon Road soon

CNG stations in Faridabad: Sec 09, Sec. 17, Sec. 24, Crown Plaza, Sec.20, Haryana Roadways depot, Escorts, Yamaha.

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