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Monday, February 20, 2012

The Haryana Urban development Authority has issued notices to 32 petrol pumps to renew their leases in Faridabad


Friday, February 17, 2012

Delayed Projects In Delhi NCR

Many of them, launched in 2005-06 with assurances of possession by 2008-2009, are yet to be completed. Today, as many as 63 large residential projects in NCR (accounting for almost 40000 units) are delayed by over four years. Out of these, around 10 projects with 9000 units have been delayed by over six years. This includes projects wherein possession of a small percentage of units has been handed over, while most of the whole project remains incomplete.
A look at the figures for these uncompleted projects reveals that a larger number of them are in Gurgaon and Faridabad

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Maximum enrolments in Faridabad district at 36,000 new voters in the first fortnight of January


Beware of loopholes justifying delays; The builder-buyer agreement


Monkey menace in Sector 29, Friends Enclave, Faridabad

Photos: Faridabad Post, taken on Feb 17, 2012, 0815AM

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

L&T bagged contracts for Faridabad metro corridor

Economic Times
L&T has also bagged the construction of entire viaduct for the Faridabad corridor, which is an extension of the Central Secretariat-Badarpur corridor.

The Hindu
The 14-km Faridabad corridor will be completely elevated and is also an extension of Line 6 from Badarpur to Faridabad. This section (Badarpur-Faridabad) will have nine stations at Sarai, NHPC Chowk, Mewala Maharajpur, Sector 27 A, Badkal More, Faridabad Old, Ajronda, Faridabad New Town and YMCA Chowk. The section is extremely important because around 180,000 people from neighbouring Faridabad are expected to benefit from it. “The contractor will have to complete this project in 20 months,” said the spokesperson about the contract for viaduct construction.

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HC stays conversion of plots in Faridabad

Times of India
Punjab and Haryana high court on Monday Feb 13, 2012 stayed the illegal conversion of residential land for commercial use in area falling under Faridabad municipal corporation. The HC verdict would stay the operation of orders issued by the Faridabad administration on November 11 last year, through which it had initiated the process of regularizing the commercial activities in residential plots by levying some conversion fee.

Now the case would come up for further hearing on April 28

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pictures: Surajkund Craft Fair 2012

Lets enter the Surajkund Fair 2012

Wood work!
 Top Brass!

 The Nest!
 The Lords of prosperity!
 Rural India on canvas!
 Riot of colours!
 In the woods!
 Folk Sounds!

Colours' Skywalk!
 Aerial view!
All Photos: Faridabad Post


Friday, February 10, 2012

A Handset Mela at Reliance Outlets from 3rd Feb 2012 onwards

Faridabad Sec 15, SCF-51, Sec 15 Main HUDA Market, Faridabad, days of mela are Sat / Sun

- Faridabad NIT, 9 A, Nehru Ground, NIT Faridabad

-Amalgamation of all the latest handsets

-Reliance TAB, CDMA & GSM Handsets, Data Cards, 3G Dongles

-Exhibition of all the Brands-Samsung, LG, Nokia, Micromax, Lava, Lemon, Sony, Huawei, Coolpad, Blackberry

-Blend of all the cost ranges

Handset Carnival at Reliance Stores on Every Friday, Saturday & Sunday

Arua village of Faridabad-one of RBI’s model villages achieves 100% financial inclusion

As a part of Reserve Bank of India’s outreach programme, RBI deputy Governor Anand Sinha visited Arua village in Faridabad district of Haryana on Thursday. Arua, which is one of RBI’s model villages, has achieved 100% financial inclusion. Syndicate Bank, which has opened a branch in this village, has opened 915 no frills account for villagers in the past few months.

RBI has asked banks to provide banking facilities to 70,000 villages having population of more than 2,000 people by March this year

Friday, February 3, 2012

26th Surajkund Crafts Mela - list of programme

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Surajkund Mela is here

Surajkund Handicrafts Fair from Feb 01- Feb 15, 2012

भंवरी देवी की इस अद्भुत कला को देख आप भी करेंगे सलाम

चलो चलें सूरजकुंड..ब्रज भूमि-बसंत बयार, ‘आसाम’ पहुंची मीरा कुमार

Dainik Bhaskar
हवाई दर्शन आज से

आकाश से 26 वें सूरजकुंड मेले का दृश्य देखने की दर्शकों की मुराद गुरुवार से पूरी होगी। पहले दिन बुधवार को वीआईपी मेहमानों ने इस सेवा का लुत्फ उठाया। प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री भूपेंद्र सिंह हुड्डा ने भी आकाश से मेले के सतरंगी रंग देखे। पर्यटकों को चार मिनट के लिए आकाश से मेला दिखाया जाएगा। इसके लिए विराट एविएशन ने दो हेलिकॉप्टरों का इंतजाम किया है। एक हेलीकॉप्टर में चार और दूसरे में छह लोगों के बैठने की व्यवस्था है। एक ट्रिप के लिए दो हजार रुपए खर्च करना पड़ेगा।
यहां-वहां पॉलीथिन : मेला प्राधिकरण ने परिसर में पॉलीथिन प्रतिबंधित कर रखा है। इसके बावजूद बुधवार को बड़ी संख्या में शिल्पकार पॉलीथिन में सामान लपेटकर लाते दिखे। इसके कारण परिसर में यहां-वहां कई जगहों पर पॉलीथिन पड़ा मिला।


Chimes sale at Delhi Surajkund Mela

Meira Kumar throws open Surajkund Mela to public

Over 700 artists from India and countries like Thailand, Congo, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, besides all the SAARC nations will be participating in the 26th edition of the 15-day fair.

Promoting the concept of 'mini-India', the fair showcases the rural lifestyle with huts acting as stalls and kachcha roads giving a village ambiance, apart from traditional dance performances.


Colours of Surajkund Fair