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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Residential complex in Faridabad KLJ developers; tel: 9811036806

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Faridabad Industrial Town, Sector-57. For freehold industrial plots contact: 9999992992

33 projects to be set-up at IMT Faridabad: HSIIDC

Times of India
The Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation ( HSIIDC) has finalised plot allotment for 51 projects.

This would catalyse investments of nearly Rs 3,000 crore and generate direct employment opportunities for more than 20,000 people, an official spokesman said.

The 33 projects to be set-up at IMT Faridabad with capital investments in excess of Rs 2,000 crore, will generate direct employment avenues for more than 16,000 people. IMT Faridabad, which is strategically located, is being developed over an area of 1,784 acres, he said.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Faridabad with its high growth drastically improved in its ranking and holds the 29th spot in India City Competitiveness Report 2012

Delhi has emerged the most competitive city in the country for the third straight time with the commercial hub of Mumbai retaining the second spot, according to a report by an international think tank released on Wednesday. Faridabad with its high growth drastically improved in its ranking and holds the 29th spot in India City Competitiveness Report 2012. Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata, in that order, make up the top five in rankings of the Report, compiled by the Institute for Competitiveness (IFC) that conducts studies in this area for use by businesses and governments.

View the entire presentation here:

City Competitiveness Rank

City Competitiveness Rank


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Housing schemes for slum dwellers fail to draw occupants in Faridabad

Live Mint
It also exposes the lack of planning and poor management of welfare projects that aim to improve the living conditions of the 75.2 million urban poor in India.

Huda’s Ashiana housing scheme, in which Mandal was allotted a unit, is a case in point. More than 19 months after the project was completed, the 3,080 units have failed to attract even a single occupant.

Experts suggest that the government will be better served if it develops the slums, instead of pursuing expensive housing projects that make little economic sense for the urban poor, who earn less than Rs. 200 a day and have to support large families.

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High-security number plate for vehicles in Faridabad

High-security number plate for vehicles can be obtained from Sector 12 Tehsil Office in Faridabad. You can also apply at Tehsil office at Ballabhgarh. Cost varies between Rs121 to Rs 280.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Siddhartha Kaul, a resident of Faridabad becomes global president of SOS Children's Villages International

Siddhartha Kaul, a resident of Faridabad became global president of SOS Children's Villages International.
Till recently Siddhrtha Kaul was the continental head of SOS Children's Villages International. His father Padma Shree Jagan Nath Kaul founded SOS Children's Villages in India. Indira Gandhi inaugurated the first SOS Children's Village in Greenfields in Faridabad. Today this organisation is providing family-based care to orphaned and abandoned children  in almost every part of the country. The most recent SOS Children's Village came up in Tirupati.

His predecessor and mentor, Helmut Kutin described the Indian born President as “an organiser, a realistic thinker in matters of economics and someone who appreciates the value of diversity”. This was evident when Mr Kaul supervised the highly successful SOS Emergency Relief and Reconstruction Programme that followed Asia’s tsunami in 2004. Helmut Kutin is a frequent to this city and always stays at SOS Enclave in Sector 29.

Siddhartha Kaul takes inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi who said: “The future depends on what you do today”.

After studying architecture and liberal arts, Siddhartha Kaul was persuaded to become the director of an SOS Children’s Village.

“He respects all religions and has a great understanding of people,” says former President Kutin. He recognised and nurtured the talent that led Mr Kaul to the most senior positions within SOS Children’s Villages elsewhere in India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Cambodia. Until his election as president, he also held the posts of Continental Director for Asia and Deputy Secretary General.

SOS Children’s Villages President Siddhartha Kaul has today confirmed that he recognises the complexity of issues facing at-risk children and families. “Regardless of whether they are in Sri Lanka, Serbia or Spain, every child who becomes a successful young person brings us closer to our mission. We work directly with every individual child; this is the uniqueness of our organisation” he said.


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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ill-equipped plaza takes toll on commuters

Faridabad-Gurgaon 4-lane link opens, with toll plaza

Times of India

Reliance Infrastructure Limited (RInfra), part of Reliance Group, has commenced the operation of its sixth road project through its Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), GF Toll Road Private Limited from Gurgaon to Faridabad. The four laning of Gurgaon - Faridabad and two laning of Ballabhgarh - Sohna road have been completed and toll collections have been started.

Built at a cost of Rs.800 crore, Gurgaon Faridabad corridor connects major tourist destinations, industrial zones, corporate offices and International airport (T3) of Delhi. This 66 kms long corridor includes Gurgaon-Faridabad, Ballabhgarh-Sohna, Pali Bakri, Surajkund Road.

The 25 kms Gurgaon-Faridabad road starting from Gurgaon's Mehrauli Road at Sikanderpur and ending at the junction of Pali Bhakri road in Faridabad, involved widening of the existing two lane road to four lanes. The 6 kms of Municipal Corporation of Faridabad road leading to Surajkund and 3 kms of Crusher Zone Road were also constructed for the benefit of the commuters.

The 28 kms Ballabhgarh- Sohna (BS) road starting from Ballabhgarh (35kms on Delhi- Mathura Road) and ending at Rewari - Palwal involved re-construction and widening of two lanes. This stretch also includes 4 kms road from Pali village to Faridabad - Gurgaon junction.

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